Search engine: The program that enables internet users to access information through keywords and presents the content indexes of different internet sources for them.
Bit: The term bit is the smallest unit of a computer and consists of 8 characters, it contains 8 characters like 10011011.
Byte: 8 bits equal to 1 byte. One byte on the screen indicates a letter as data size.
Pixel: The smallest unit that can be detected by the human eye on everything appearing in the digital is called a pixel. Materials like writing, picture, visuals, and videos are created with different sequences of pixels.
Selfie: It is called to pictures people take of themselves and share on social media.
Content: The entirety of self, opinions, emotions, and images that are intended to be expressed verbally or in writing.
Digital: Showing data electronically on a screen.
Digital reputation: Holistic reputability by an individual or institution provided by data posted in electronic media. (CTDS)
DMCA: Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of USA is a 1998 USA copyright act implementing two 1996 agreements of the World Intellectual Property Organization. It criminalizes the production and distribution of technologies, devices, or services aiming to escape measures to control access to works protected with the copyright. (Wikipedia)
Optimization: It means featuring the intended composition by optimizing the content. (CTDS)
Online: It means being connected to at least one server in the computer system and being in operation.
Artificial intelligence: The capability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to carry out some activities similar to intelligent creatures. (Wikipedia)
E-invoice: A new type of invoice with the same legal quality of paper invoices that can be sent or received on the internet.
Digital signature: It is a legal identity verification method according to the legislation numbered 5070 and it is used for identity verification in electronic media.
Pirated content: It expresses any product that is produced directly or indirectly from an object and has the quality of a copy, is produced without the permission of the right owner or the person authorized by the owner in the country where the product is made and this activity.
Legal content: It indicated content for which the copyright owner’s permission is obtained to publish.
Pirated website: It expresses any product that is produced directly or indirectly from an object and has the quality of a copy, is produced without the permission of the right owner or the person authorized by the owner in the country where the product is made and the website these activities are broadcasted.
Copyright: The entirety of rights of a creator of a literary, science, or artwork related to this work. (OXFORD)
Key performance criteria: Criteria that are determined in agreements and companies are considered when actualized.
Pirated link: It expresses any product that is produced directly or indirectly from an object and has the quality of a copy, is produced without the permission of the right owner or the person authorized by the owner in the country where the product is made and the website link where these activities are broadcasted.
Manuel: Hand-operated processes.
Comment: Intellectual writing or evaluation made on websites by people about a product, content, or anything else.
Blackmail: The purpose of threatening someone about spreading a scandalous and denigrating news or disclosure to gain benefit.
Profile: The representative page of an individual on digital media.
Access: Reaching the intended place while solution-oriented processes are carried out.
Negative comment: Comments that damage the digital reputation, written unfairly for slander or defamation, or that are expressed as undesirable due to their nature.
Negative content: Contents that damage the digital reputation, written unfairly for slander or defamation, or that are expressed as undesirable due to their nature.
Social media: Media system that enables double-sided and simultaneous information sharing instead of one-way information sharing with the introduction of Web 2.0 to the user service.
Blog: Story page where informative writing contents of Altahonos are available.
Forum: A type of platform about a certain subject and participants share comments about that subject.
Torrent: Although it makes contents more accessible, it is a content system used for pirated or illegal file transfer, and plays a role in the transfer of major data.
Dictionary: It is a work that defines and explains the words and phrases used in a language or at a certain age and gives their equivalents in other languages in alphabetical order.
Personal information: All types of information about an identified or identifiable real person.
Credentials: Personal information on the identity officially approved by the government.
Work: A product of intelligence and art that has the characteristics of its owner and is considered as science and literature, music, fine arts or cinema works.
SSL certificate: SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates verify website addresses, and ensures safe transmission by carrying out data communication between two points on an encrypted channel.
3D Secure: Collaboration between banks and companies to ensure the security of the cardholder in payments made by credit card through websites is called 3D Secure.
Happy netizens: Real or legal entities who are happy about their digital existence and reputability since they took the contents on digital media under their control.
Digital chaos: It expresses the confusion resulting from defamation, vilification or slander targeting a person or community due to the loss of control of the content in an age where everyone can share every content on digital media.
Reputation assassination: All types of insults, slanders, and slanderous posts about our reputability on digital media.
Reputation capital: The value of taking time to earn and showing that the person has attained good recognition and dignity from the perspective of others.
Digital mark: All information people left on the internet media including social media and search engines.
Arama motoru: Anahtar sözcükler aracılığıyla internet kullanıcısına bilgilere erişimi sağlayan ve onun için değişik internet kaynaklarının içeriklerinin dizinini çıkaran program.
Bit: Bilgisayarın en küçük birimi olan ve 8 karakterden oluşan bit terimi, 10011011 gibi 8 karakterden oluşur.
Byte: 8 bit 1 byte’tır. Veri boyutu olarak ekrandaki bir byte bir harfi ifade eder.
Piksel: Dijitalde görünen her şey üzerinde insan gözünün ayırt edebileceği en küçük birime piksel denir. Yazı, fotoğraf, görsel, video gibi materyaller piksellerin farklı dizilmesi ile oluşur.
Selfie: İnsanın kendi kendinin fotoğrafını çekip, sosyal mecralarda paylaşmasına denir. Özçekim olarak da nitelendirilir.
İçerik: Sözlü veya yazılı anlatımda verilmek istenen öz, düşünce, duygu ve imgelerin bütünüdür. (TDK)
Dijital: Verilerin bir ekran üzerinde elektronik olarak gösterilmesine denir. (TDK)
Dijital itibar: Elektronik ortamda yayınlanmış veri/verilerin, kişi ya da kurum nezdinde sağladığı bütünsel saygınlığı ifade eder. (CTDS)
DMCA: Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ne ait DMCA; Dijital Binyıl Telif Hakkı Yasası, Dünya Fikri Mülkiyet Örgütü’nün iki 1996 antlaşmasını uygulayan bir 1998 ABD telif hakkı yasadır. Telif hakkıyla korunan eserlere erişimi kontrol etmeye yönelik önlemleri atlatmayı amaçlayan teknoloji, cihaz veya hizmetlerin üretimini ve dağıtımını kriminalize eder. (Vikipedi)
Optimizasyon: İçeriği en uygun hale getirerek istenilen kompozisyonu ön plana çıkarma anlamına gelir. (CTDS)
Çevrimiçi: Bilgisayar sisteminde en az bir sunucuya bağlı ve çalışır durumda olmayı ifade eder. (TDK)
Yapay zeka: Bir bilgisayarın veya bilgisayar kontrolündeki bir robotun çeşitli faaliyetleri zeki canlılara benzer şekilde yerine getirme kabiliyeti. (Wikipedia)
E-fatura: Kağıt fatura ile aynı hukuki niteliğe sahip olan ve internet ortamında gönderilip alınabilen yeni fatura türüdür.
Dijital imza: Elektronik ortamda kimlik doğrulama amacıyla kullanılan, 5070 sayılı mevzuata göre yasal bir kimlik doğrulama yöntemidir.
Korsan içerik: Doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak bir nesneden yapılan ve kopya niteliğini haiz her tür ürün, eğer üretimin yapıldığı ülkedeki hak sahibi veya onun yetkili kıldığı kişinin izni olmaksızın üretilmiş ve bu faaliyet için ifade edilir.
Yasal içerik: Yayınlanması için telif hakkı sahibinin izni alınmış içeriği ifade eder.
Korsan site: Doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak bir nesneden yapılan ve kopya niteliğini haiz her tür ürün, eğer üretimin yapıldığı ülkedeki hak sahibi veya onun yetkili kıldığı kişinin izni olmaksızın üretilmiş ve bu faaliyetlerin yayınlandığı web sitesi için kullanılır.
Telif hakkı: Bir yazın, bilim ya da sanat yapıtını yaratan kişinin, bu yapıtla ilgili haklarının tümüne denir. (OXFORD)
Korsan link: Doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak bir nesneden yapılan ve kopya niteliğini haiz her tür ürün, eğer üretimin yapıldığı ülkedeki hak sahibi veya onun yetkili kıldığı kişinin izni olmaksızın üretilmiş ve bu faaliyetlerin yayınlandığı web linki için kullanılır.
Manuel: El ile işletilen işlemlere denir.
Yorum: Bir ürün, içerik veya başkaca bir şey hakkında insanlar tarafından internet siteleri üzerinde oluşturulan fikri yazı veya değerlendirmeye denir.
Şantaj: Herhangi bir çıkar sağlamak amacıyla bir kimseyi, kendisiyle ilgili lekeleyici, gözden düşürücü bir haberi yayma veya açığa çıkarma tehdidiyle korkutma amacına denir.
Profil: Bir insanın dijital mecradaki temsili sayfası.
Erişim: Çözüm odaklı süreçler gerçekleşirken istenilen yere ulaşmak.
Olumsuz yorum: Dijital itibarın zarar göreceği; haksız yere, iftira veya karalama amaçlı yazılan veya niteliği gereği istenmeyen olarak ifade edilen yorumlara denir.
Olumsuz içerik: Dijital itibarın zarar göreceği; haksız yere, iftira veya karalama amaçlı yazılan veya niteliği gereği istenmeyen olarak ifade edilen içeriklere denir.
Sosyal medya: Web 2.0’ın kullanıcı hizmetine sunulmasıyla birlikte, tek yönlü bilgi paylaşımından, çift taraflı ve eş zamanlı bilgi paylaşımına ulaşılmasını sağlayan medya sistemidir.
Blog: Altahonos’a ait bilgilendirici yazı içeriklerinin bulunabileceği yazı sayfasına denir.
Forum: Bir konuda düzenlenmiş olan, o konuda yorum paylaşmak istediği katılımcıların da olduğu platform türüne denir.
Torrent: İçerikleri daha ulaşılabilir bir hale getirse de korsan veya yasa dışı dosya aktarımı için kullanılan, bu alanda büyük verilerin transferinde rol oynayan bir içerik sistemidir.
Sözlük: Bir dilin bütün veya belli bir çağda kullanılmış kelime ve deyimlerini alfabe sırasına göre alarak tanımlarını yapan, açıklayan, başka dillerdeki karşılıklarını veren esere denir.
Kişisel bilgi: Kimliği belirli veya belirlenebilir gerçek kişiye ilişkin her türlü bilgiyi ifade etmektedir.
Kimlik bilgisi: Resmi olarak devlet tarafından onaylanan kimlikte bulunan kişisel bilgiler.
Eser: Sahibinin özelliklerini taşıyan ve ilim ve edebiyat, musiki, güzel sanatlar veya sinema eserleri olarak sayılan fikir ve sanat ürünlerine denir.
SSL sertifikası: SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) sertifikaları, site adreslerinin doğruluğunu kontrol eden, iki nokta arasındaki veri iletişimini şifreli kanal üzerinden yaparak güvenli bir şekilde iletilmesini sağlayan bir üründür.
3D Secure: Web siteleri üzerinden, kredi kartı ile yapılan ödemelerde kart sahibinin kart güvenliğini sağlamak amacıyla bankaların firmalar ile yaptığı ortak çalışmaya 3D Secure denir.
Mutlu netizen: Dijital ortamda bulunan içeriklerin kontrolünü eline almış bir şekilde, dijital varlığını ve saygınlığından mutlu olan gerçek ve tüzel kişiler.
Dijital kaos: Dijital mecralarda; herkesin her içeriği paylaşabileceği bir çağda içeriğin kontrolünün kaybedilmesinden dolayı, bir kişiyi ya da topluluğu hedef alan, karalama, yerme veya iftira niteliğindeki paylaşımlar sonucu çıkan karmaşayı ifade etmek için kullanılır.
İtibar suikasti: Dijital ortamda saygınlığınıza yönelik her türlü hakaret, iftira, karalayıcı nitelikteki paylaşımlar.
İtibar sermayesi: Kazanılması için bir süre gereken, başkalarının bakışına göre kişinin iyi bir bilinirliğe ve saygınlığa ulaştığını gösteren değer.
Dijital iz: Kişilerin sosyal medya ve arama motorları olmak üzere internet ortamında bıraktığı tüm bilgiler.

This “Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement” (hereinafter referred to as the “CONTRACT”) is signed between the customer (hereinafter referred to as “BUSINESS OWNER”) and ” 284 Chase Road A Block 2nd Floor, London, England, N14 6HF United Kingdom, “a resident at the address Altahonos Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “COMPANY”).
The business owner and the Company can hereinafter be referred to as “Parties” separately and together as “Parties”.
The parties will be able to share certain confidential information with each other in the statements they will make to each other during all the negotiations to be made by the parties to be used in case of need.
This contract has been arranged in order to determine the method of exchange of confidential information that the parties will open to each other during their negotiations and to determine the rights and obligations for the protection of confidential information opened by one party to the other.
This contract; does not oblige the parties to open / provide any documents and / or information to each other, except for the requirements of the work subject to fee in the service contract to which this contract is attached.
2.Definition and Scope of Confidential Information:
“Confidential information” that can be exchanged between the parties for the purpose specified in Article 1 of this contract means all of the information of the party that owns them in the nature of commercial and personal secrets and / or under their ownership; without any limitation to these; personal data, technical information, trade secrets, the content of links to be removed, if any, software programs, algorithms, software modules, program source codes, technical features, service plans and technologies, user booklets, marketing information, customer lists, contract terms, records and all information and materials related to the business of the party, all kinds of products, goods and services related to the company itself, its shareholders, affiliates, other persons, customers and consultants to whom it has licensed, the method used to obtain them, trade secret, all kinds of formulas, know-how, It covers all kinds of information such as patents, inventions, designs, customer lists, budget, business development, marketing and pricing plans and strategies, and so on. Confidential information does not include the name and logo of the business owner.
Information with a degree of confidentiality that can be obtained through the use of verbal, visual, examples or models (unwritten) and confidential information and / or the examination, testing and similar methods of projects, documents or components that can be given to the other party by the party that opened the information, is hereinafter ” will be referred to as “confidential information” and will be processed under this contract.
In the event that a verbally opened information other than the confidential information specified, the information given to the other party verbally is confidential, if the party that opened the information clearly states that this information is confidential and informs the other party in writing within 10 (ten) days after opening the information. will be treated as information. All other information will be protected and used like confidential information.
3.Terms of Use of Confidential Information:
The party receiving the confidential information agrees to comply with the following clauses for the protection and use of confidential information indefinitely from the termination or expiration date during the term of this contract and the service contract to which this contract is annexed, or if the contract is terminated in accordance with the article 7 below, or expires, declares and undertakes:
a)Using confidential information only for the purpose given by the other party,
b)Providing confidential information to its own personnel according to the “need to know” principle, provided that they are relevant to the subject, by ensuring that they comply with the terms of this contract,
c)To show the care of the party who opened the confidential information to protect the confidential information that belongs to him at least and is equally important,
d)Confidential information; not to disclose the confidential information to third parties, including its shareholders, affiliates and subsidiaries, without the written consent of the party that opened it
e)Not to copy or duplicate the confidential information, in whole or in part, except where necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes of this contract and the service contract to which it is attached,
f)In accordance with the purpose of this contract, to ensure that the organization, subcontractor or other third parties to whom confidential information is transferred are bound by the same restrictions regarding the storage and disclosure of confidential information.
4.Information Not Covered By Confidential Information:
The party receiving the confidential information will not have any responsibility or liability under article 4 for any confidential information with the following characteristics:
a)If the confidential information is known by the party receiving the confidential information at the time of receipt and this situation can be proven by evidence (s),
b)If it was developed independently by the personnel of the party receiving the confidential information who were not aware of this confidential information and this situation can be proven by evidence (s),
c)If it was known to the public at that time or if it was later notified to the public without any fault of the party receiving the confidential information,
d)If they are legally obtained from a third party without similar restrictions and without violating this contract, following all necessary investigations and investigations regarding that the third party is not under the obligation to disclose confidential information and this situation can be proven by evidence (s),
e)If disclosure to the government of the receiving party within the framework of the laws is necessary, by informing the party who opened the confidential information in advance,
f)If their publication or use is approved by the written consent of the party that opened the information,
g)If the company has used the work of the business owner as a reference in case presentations and its name and logo in its website and documents without using confidential information.
5.State of Irresponsibility:
Direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential use damage, loss of profit or any other damage to the device, tools, equipment, personnel and / or third parties of the user party due to any error or deficiency in confidential information disclosed by one party to the other party under this contract. The party who opened the information will not be held responsible for any losses.
6.Breach of Contract:
6.1 The parties shall be liable for the damages and damages ruled by the court that may occur within the scope of this Agreement and in particular in case of breach of any of its obligations regarding the protection of confidential information obtained under this contract. Also;
a)If it becomes apparent that confidential information has been disclosed or used, the party will endeavor to prevent further disclosure or use.
- b) The receiving party will immediately notify the party providing the confidential information of the then current conditions and implement all corrective measures requested by the party providing the confidential information.
6.2 The failure of any of the parties to exercise or postpone a right or authority arising from any breach of this contract does not mean that it relinquishes any of its rights in this contract or prevents it from being used later or from exercising its other rights and powers in subsequent violations.
7.Duration of Contract:
If this contract is not extended with the written agreement of the parties, it will remain in effect for 10 (ten) years from the date of signature and will be invalid at the end of its term without the need for another notice.
However, if each party makes a written request to the other party 30 (thirty) calendar days in advance and the other party approves this in writing, they may terminate this contract before the expiration date. In case the contract is terminated for any reason, the confidentiality obligations of the parties will continue indefinitely.
If this contract is terminated or terminated as stated herein, copies of all information and documents belonging to the party that opened the information and held by the other party will be destroyed upon the request of the party that opened the information.
8.Settlement of Disputes:
This Agreement and all disputes that may arise from the execution of the review is to apply the laws of the United Kingdom shall be entitled to look exclusively to the dispute London Courts and Enforcement Directorate.
The parties agree not to demand from the other party the expenses that may be required for the work to be carried out within the scope of this contract.
10.The Entire Agreement and Modification:
The above articles constitute the entire agreement between the parties and replace any agreements, commitments, and agreements made orally or in writing before regarding the subject of this agreement.
Amendments to this contract can only be made with the written agreement of the parties.
11.Separability of Substances:
If one or more of the provisions of this contract are declared invalid, illegal and unenforceable under any law or regulation, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be affected or damaged in any way.
12.Transfer Prohibition:
None of this contract and / or its related rights and obligations can be transferred or assigned to another third party without the prior written consent of the other party.
13.Business Relationship:
This contract; It does not create any rights or obligations to the parties other than the provisions explained here. Also; It cannot be interpreted as the purpose of establishing a partnership or other official business for the parties and that another contract will be made in the future.
14.Notification addresses:
All kinds of notifications, requests, requests and other notices required or permitted to be given in accordance with this contract are prepared in Turkish in writing. It is delivered to the other party by registered mail, electronic mail or a notary. Notifications are made to the e-mail addresses of the parties specified on the first page of the service contract. Changes in these addresses are notified to the other party in writing. The addresses in question are the addresses determined between the parties for notification and the notifications to be made to these addresses are deemed to have reached the addresse.
This contract has been signed by the parties as 14 (fourteen) articles and entered into force after confirming the above points.